PNIPU makes reach easy

Students of PNIPU (Perm National Research Polytechnic University) found a method to increase performance of oil production and to reduce the price of this process. They create a hardware and software system of control of the pump for pumping of “black gold” and products of its processing.

For April, 2020 in the Russian oil-extracting industry over 85% of pumps – electrosubmersible installations, students tell. The control of the electric motor apply “symbiosis” of foreign technologies and own developments of the companies. These solutions are often inconvenient in use.

Young developers from the Perm Polytechnic University conducted researches and suggested to unify hardware base for process control of frequency regulation by the electric drive. Unlike analogs, the complex represents the monolithic solution. For use it is enough to connect of it to the existing power electronics.

The innovation approach allows to reduce risks of emergence of the conflicts of the equipment, to increase quality of regulation and high-speed performance. As developers emphasize, it is a significant factor in process of management of the electric motor.

The provided technology will help to increase oil production performance.
